Friday, March 20, 2009


Happy Birthday Paul!

Snow Drops in my yard, a sure sign of spring.

Today is the first day of spring and it is also my husband Paul's birthday.  He's lucky to have his birthday fall on or near this special day each year.  My birthday falls during the dog days of summer, right before Labor Day.  I can remember every year when school would start, right around my birthday, no one at school ever remembered my birthday.  The teacher would always make us fill out little cards in elementary school, letting her know when our birthdays were.  But by the time she got around to doing this, my birthday had usually passed.  I can hear all of you out there playing your little violins for me!  
I love this time of year.  It holds so much promise.  The air smells good, the light has a special quality to it, even the birds sound happy.  Paul's birthday is always my signal to think about planting the seeds for my garden.  I start tomato and herb seeds in my basement under grow lights and baby them until about the first of May, when all danger of frost has passed in southeast Iowa.  Sometimes, I can't resist setting the seedlings out a bit earlier.  Though, I don't think much is gained by this as tomatoes don't really flourish until the soil is really warm.  This year, I'll be a bit late with my seed starting as I just ordered my seeds today.  That little bit of time won't really make much difference, but I'm chomping at the bit to get started. 
Happy Birthday, Paul!

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